Abstract Submission

  • Deadline of submission is November 20th, 2020.
  • The language of presentations can be in English, Turkish or Azeri. Presentation language must be specified on the submission phase.
  •  Two other language abstracts must be in the same word file other than the used language.
  • Oral presentations will be 15 mins maximum.
  • Abstract titles must be 13 puntos.
  • The first letter of the name and surname of the author(s) must be capital and centered to the page.
  • Author(s) infos e.g. affiliation and e-mail address should be written in footnote section and 10 puntos. 
  • The abstracts must be 10 puntos and Italic font and at least 150 and maximum 300 words
  •  Aim, method, findings and conclusion of the study should be stated in the abstract.
  • Submission of the abstracts will be done via the system. Abstracts must be submitted after filling the required information on register page.

For your requests isrcongress2020gumushane@gmail.com